E-Scéal 44: Details of In-Service Days for Next Year

Details of In-Service days for next year

Following a request to the Department of Education & Science, the Teacher Education Unit, formerly known as the In Career Development Unit (ICDU) has confirmed that there will be a total of six 'non contact' days for Primary School In-Service training in the next school year. The breakdown of these days is as follows:

  • 1 day - In-service training for PE
  • 1 day - School based planning for PE
  • 2 day - In-service training for Music
  • 1 day - School based planning for Music
  • 1 day - School Development Planning

If you have any further queries about these six days, please contact either your Education Support Centre or your School Development Planning Facilitator.

Student Transfer Form - Primary to Post-Primary

When pupils transfer from a primary school to a second level school (or to another primary school) principals often query how much information should be passed on and in what format it should be offered. IPPN has developed a sample one page document which can be used to address this information transfer issue. We have already been in discussion with the National Education Welfare Board, the National Council for Curriculum Assessment and the National Association of Principals and Deputies (2nd Level) seeking their views on a multi-purpose standardised format. A refined document will be developed for the next school year, meanwhile a current working draft is available to those who wish to use this June.

Some issues to be considered:

  1. Frequently, most pupil information is transferred verbally. The use of a standardised Student Transfer Form does not prevent or replace the value of such verbal reports.
  2. Historically a standard form did exist but ceased usage due to its out of date format.
  3. The absence of standardised information about students has been used as a justification for 'entrance assessments/exams'
  4. Given the growing culture of transparency and accountability, it is important that schools have their own written record of the information that was formally handed over to parents/other schools.
  5. Due to data protection considerations, it is prudent to obtain parental permission before sending the Student Transfer Form to the receiving school.
  6. A copy should be given to the parents/guardians of the pupil.
  7. In the case of a sixth class pupil transferring to second level, the Student Transfer Form can also act as an end of year report to parents, thus avoiding duplication of paperwork.
  8. Any information provided by the class teacher/support teacher should be confined to facts and professional opinions which can be backed-up in the event of enquiry.
    A copy of the sample Student Transfer Form is downloadable from the 'Organisational Policies' area in the 'Resources' section of www.ippn.ie or you can go directly to http://www.ippn.ie/resorg.php You will need your roll number and password to gain access. Feedback from principals about this form will be gladly received.

Is Mise Le Meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

