E-Scéal 43: Summer Professional Development Programme for Principals - IPPN & Mary Immaculate College

Summer Professional Development Programme for Principals -
IPPN & Mary Immaculate College

This summer you will have the opportunity for the first time ever, to go on-line for your professional development facilitated by IPPN & Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Limerick. In collaboration with MIC, IPPN is delighted to offer David Ruddy's 'The Principal and the Law' as an on-line programme. This programme is designed to improve your knowledge and competency in respect of your schools legal obligations to children, parents, staff etc. David is one of Irelands leading experts in education law. His expertise derives from his specialist knowledge of education and other related law, coupled with his experience and knowledge as a serving principal teacher.

MIC, Limerick and IPPN have teamed up to create Ireland's first on-line professional development programme for principals. We are delighted to have the support of MIC through its President Dr. Peadar Cremin. Dr. Teresa O Doherty, Head of Education and Mr. David O Grady, Curriculum Development Unit, are both highly experienced in professional development design / provision and have recently introduced state of the art technology for web based programme delivery.

This is a new venture offering an innovative solution to professional development for busy school principals. Please examine programme details below for further information.

Is Mise Le Meas,

Seán Cottrell


Programme Details:

Title: The Principal and the Law
Facilitator: Mr. David Ruddy BL
Cost: €55
Applications: By e-mail to: valerie.meehan@mic.ul.ie
(Sorry, course now fully subscribed)
Enquiries: Valerie Meehan, 061 204925
Timescale: 1st July - 27th August 2004 - Programme can be taken anytime between these two dates
EPV: DES approved for three 'extra personal vacation' days
Venue: Accessible on-line from your own computer. A CD is also provided to minimise time / cost of internet access.


  • registered participants will receive a CD with full programme content i.e. video, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes, case studies etc.
  • the programme consists of 10 two-hour modules which can be 'taken' at any time between the prescribed dates.
  • each participant is given a user name and password giving him/her access to the programme website.
  • using the CD the participant views, listens, reads and reflects upon the material presented in each module.
  • after each module, the participant goes on-line to submit his/her feedback, reflections, questions or comments etc.
  • each participant can take part in an e-mail based 'discussion' to add further value to their experience.

Programme Aims:

  • school principals will broaden their understanding of the law in relation to pupils, parents, staff, Boards of Management and the DES.
  • participants will examine, 'discuss' (on-line) and evaluate case law, legal documentation and legislation.
  • participants will appreciate their legal obligations to parents, children, staff, BoMs and the DES.
  • participants will have regard to school policies required by statute.
  • legal resources and case law will be made available to staff and BoM.


  • Education Act 1998
  • Equal status Act 2000
  • Protection of Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998
  • Data Protection Acts 1988-2003
  • Freedom of Information Act 1997
  • Education for Persons with Disabilities Bill 2003
  • Education Welfare Act 2000
  • Duty of Care/Negligence
  • Case Law
  • Admissions Policy
  • Code of Discipline
  • Anti-bulling Policy
  • Child protection

IPPN Sponsors

