E-Scéal 42: Special Education Needs - Update from DES

Special Education Needs- Update from DES

On May 26th IPPN met with Minister Noel Dempsey and Mr Peter Baldwin, Assistant Secretary General, on a number of issues including SEN. Subsequent to the meeting a letter was submitted asking five specific questions. These were:

  1. The redeployment panel was originally scheduled for publication on May 11th, subsequently May 21st and as of yesterday, officials in Athlone have told principals that they have no idea at present when the panel will be published! When will the redeployment panel for teachers be published?
  2. Decisions regarding SER 1 and SER 2 applications will have direct impact on matters such as teacher-class allocation, job sharing arrangements, curriculum planning, transport and accommodation. By which date will the Special Education section reply to SER1 and SER2 applications that have been submitted as far back as October 2002?
  3. What is the present status of Circular 24/03?
  4. Is the DES recommending a merging of the roles of Learning Support Teacher and Resource Teacher into a single 'Support Teacher' type of role from September?
  5. When will the DES issue a clear statement outlining policy decisions pertaining to the weighted system?

A reply to our letter was received from Mr. Baldwin on Tuesday 8th June. The main points taken directly from his letter are as follows:

  • The DES appreciates that the length of time it has taken to respond poses difficulties for Principals and acknowledges their co-operation in this regard.
  • The panels resulting from the operation of the mainstream appointments schedules have now been issued.
  • The DES is finalising details of a weighted system for allocating resources to schools to meet the needs of pupils requiring learning support intervention as well as pupils with less acute/high incidence disabilities.
  • It is proposed to retain the individual application process in the case of pupils with more acute/low incidence disabilities.
  • The DES intends to issue a comprehensive circular on the new allocation system before the end of the school year.
  • The circular will also set out the arrangements for processing applications received after August 31st 2003.
  • Meanwhile, before the end of this school year the DES will notify schools of the outcome of applications received before August 31st 2003.
  • The introduction of the new system may involve redistribution of some posts between schools. In order to minimise disruption the DES has decided that no teachers will be placed on panels this year as a result of the introduction of the new weighted model.
  • Circular 24/03 is still in place.
  • In relation to the roles of Learning Support Teacher and Resource Teacher, the DES continues to advocate flexibility in the deployment of resources.

The above points are taken directly form Peter Baldwin's letter and are as much information as we have been able to gain at this point in relation to proposed changes. We await the arrival of the new circular and look forward to responses from Special Ed. in Athlone to SER applications made prior to August 31st 2003. Some of these applications were submitted as early as October 2002!

Meanwhile, IPPN's Executive will continue to liaise with the DES and issue further professional guidance to support you in the management of SEN towards the beginning of the 2004/5 school year. If you have any constructive suggestions/observations on how best Principals can address any of these challenges, please forward same to
office@ippn.ie and we will include them in a future E-scéal.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


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