Escéal 37: Prof. Michael Fullan - Interview on RTE's Morning Ireland

Fullan interview on RTE - Morning Ireland

Following the success of his two workshops in Thurles and Mullingar, Michael Fullan was interviewed by RTE's Morning Ireland on Thursday May 20th . The interview was broadcast in the context of the publication of so called Second Level School League Tables. Whether or not you participated in Michael Fullan's workshops, I am sure you will enjoy listening to his interview which can be accessed from RTE's web archives by single clicking here.

Your computer needs a programme called RealPlayer to listen to RTE audio files. If you don't have RealPlayer you can download it free from

Story writing competition for primary school children

AIB has launched a story writing competition for primary school children which is based on a review of their favourite book. Entry to the competition is by way of application forms from a local AIB Branch - and not through the school. The competition, called 'Wordy Worm's Story' is divided into two age categories:

6-9 years (maximum 100 words) and 10-12 years (maximum 200 words).

A prize of €50 each will be awarded to the 28 county winners (2 in Dublin and 2 in Cork and 1 in all other counties) in both categories. These county winners will then be further adjudicated for national prizes which will be awarded as follows:

  • 1st Prize €300, with €1,000 in book tokens for the winner's school in both categories
  • 2nd Prize €250, with €500 in book tokens for the winner's school in both categories
  • 3rd Prize €200, with €250 in book tokens for the winner's school in both categories

Full details of the competition are included on the entry forms which are available at your local AIB branch. Details of the competition are also available on the website where entry forms can be downloaded.

Closing date for receipt of entries is Wednesday, 30th June 2004 and winners will be announced by 30th September 2004. All enquiries about this competition to Muriel O'Driscoll, AIB, Ph: 01-6411975. Please inform the pupils/parents of your school about this competition.


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