E-scéal 33: Education for Persons with Disabilities Bill - Letter to Minister

This Bill is due to come before Dáil Éireann soon and will shortly afterwards be enacted in law. The implications of this legislation will have a profound impact on you as principal. Consequently, IPPN continues to make every effort to affect change to this Bill while it is still possible. Having lobbied public representatives extensively in early January, IPPN has been successful in bringing about three key amendments - see below. However, there are still several aspects of this Bill which are seriously flawed and unworkable from the principal's perspective.

Whilst fully conscious of your enormous workload, I ask you to consider the future implications of this legislation and suggest that you write to Minister Dempsey, in your capacity as a principal teacher, urging him to take heed of the considered opinions of those who manage special needs education on the 'front line'. Any law is only as good as the extent to which it can be successfully implemented. Unless the Special Education Needs Organiser's (SENO) role is appropriately defined, the additional workload and responsibility allocated to principals will lead to an unworkable situation with even greater frustration for parents and teachers.

Click here to review the E-Scéal outlining the thrust of IPPN's proposed changes to the legislation.

I trust you appreciate the importance of this matter and thank you for your support.

Is Mise Le Meas,

Seán Cottrell Director


IPPN Sponsors

