E-scéal 5: Motions For INTO Congress

By now you will have received your copy of Tacaí­ocht 3 which addresses several key issues for Principals and Deputy Principals. You will be aware that IPPN as a professional association, cannot process issues relating to pay and conditions on behalf of our members. With this in mind we are suggesting that Principals and Deputy Principals use the only structures available to them i.e. to submit motions to their local branch of the INTO, for annual congress next Easter. Included are some suggested motions, which address certain key issues in this area:

  • Congress demands that all school staff members, teachers, ancillary and part-time, should count (a) towards the point where an administrative principal is appointed and (b) should count in reckoning release days for principals and deputy principals.
  • Congress demands that the allowances for principals and deputy principals be increased significantly to reflect the increased responsibility in managing whole school staffs, which now consist of teachers, ancillary and part-time members
  • Congress demands that an agreed procedure to allow principals to step down after seven years, without loss of allowance, should be put in place as soon as possible.
  • Congress demands that the CEC negotiate a separate salary scale for principals and deputy principals where the minimum allowance for a principal teacher is greater than the allowance of any deputy principal.
  • Congress demands that there be an agreed hourly allowance for overtime and that there be agreed system to recoup expenses for school related activities.

I hope you will see the importance of using this opportunity to raise this important area of concern through the appropriate channels.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

