E-scéal 8: Website / Supply Teacher Scheme / New Zealand Principal Study Visit

Web Site

www.ippn.ie has recently been upgraded to enhance the quality of service it provides to members. In line with IPPN's policy regarding distribution of our newsletter, certain key sections of our web site are now accessible only to current subscribed members. When the new site was launched there were a few technical difficulties, one of which indicated that the password was incorrect or that your school was not a current member. These technical glitches have been "ironed out" and I now encourage you to look at the new site with its new added features. To assist you in accessing the Members Only Sections please note the following points re Password and Roll Number.

Roll Number
Please enter your Roll No - each roll number must have five digits followed by a capital letter with no spaces.

  • If your roll number is: 1132V please type: 01132V
  • If your roll number is: 15484j please type: 15484J
  • If your roll number is: 13576 K please type: 13576K
  • Please note that a capital 'O' cannot be replaced by the number zero (0)
  • in the same way as a capital 'I' cannot be replaced by the number one (1)

The password for access to this website is the four digit number which was sent to you by a recent email. If you have mislaid this number please enter your roll number as per instructions above and click 'forgot password' button. Your password will then be sent to you on the E-mail address, which you provided in the IPPN Membership application form.

Supply Teacher Scheme

The DES have commenced a review of the existing supply teacher scheme which serves 212 schools nationally with 60 permanent supply teachers at 17 base schools. IPPN has been requested to submit its opinions and proposals regarding the future of the supply teacher scheme. In order to formulate our submission, we would like to hear from principals / DPs who have direct experience of the supply teachers scheme having availed of the service or acting as a base school. If you are in a position to assist IPPN in this regard please forward details of your experience of the scheme to date, your opinions of the service and any proposals you would suggest for its future development. Please send your feed back to info@ippn.ie with "Supply Teacher Scheme" in the subject line. Please provide complete contact details to facilitate further discussion if required.

New Zealand Principal

A principal teacher from a New Zealand primary school will be in Ireland this May on a study visit. The individual in question is interested in visiting a variety of schools of varying size, location and type. You will be aware from previous contact that a number of principals from England, New Zealand and Australia have been in Ireland and visited schools through contacts provided by IPPN. If you would like to facilitate a short visit to your school at a time and date of your convenience please contact our office at info@ippn.ie with International Principal Visits in the Subject Line. Please quote your Roll Number in your reply to facilitate accessing details of your school.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

