E-scéal 9: Professionalism - Putting Policy into Practice

The Title of IPPN Conference 2003 was 'Professionalism - Putting Policy into Practice'.

In the context of the Report by HayGroup Management Consultants "Defining the Role of the Primary Principal in Ireland", IPPN recognised that the important issue of In-School Management/Post of Responsibility needed to be critically reviewed.

A Sub-Committee prepared this position paper - "In-School Management - A Critical Review 1997-2003", to examine those issues that needed to be addressed to maximise the potential of the existing In-School Management structures for the benefit of all involved in primary education. (This sub-committee was led by Pat Kavanagh, Wexford).

"In-School Management - A Critical Review 1997-2003", has been submitted to the D.E.S, Management Bodies, and the INTO. It is essential that members of IPPN have an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the review of In-School Management.

Principals and Deputy Principals are invited to reflect on this document and to convey their comments to IPPN by post or e-mail (Subject Line Re: "I.S.M.") to info@ippn.ie. Your feedback is requested by March 31st 2003. The document is attached below.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

