E-Scéal 151: Substitute Teachers - Qualifications & Suitability

We want to bring to your attention the importance of verifying the authenticity of anyone applying for work in your school. Recently we have learned that an individual falsely claiming to be a qualified teacher, registered with TextaSub.ie and responded to a call from a Principal. It is important to remember that TextaSub.ie is just another means of locating available teachers. Whether a Principal / Deputy Principal sources a substitute teacher through a newspaper advert, the local unemployment centre, Education Centre or a website, the responsibility to verify the qualifications and suitability of the individual candidate is the same.

IPPN's advice is that no matter how you find a substitute teacher (or indeed any staff member), you should request that a copy of their qualifications, accompanied by a passport, driving licence or other official photo-ID, be presented prior to commencing work.

A second level Principal recently contacted the IPPN Support Office alerting us to a teacher who has legitimate qualifications at second level and is currently taking on substitute work in Primary Schools. However, the Principal in question has serious concerns about the suitability of the individual in question. For this reason, aside from seeking documentation to verify qualifications, it is also reasonable to ask a substitute teacher for details of recent employment so that an oral reference can be sought from those schools.

In summary, the Board of Management, through the Principal, is responsible for recruitment regardless of the means by which it is carried out. A clear disclaimer to this effect can be seen on www.textasub.ie.

Meanwhile, TextaSub.ie has helped hundreds of Principals to find thousands of substitute teachers in the last three years. It takes three minutes to send out your message, giving you access to the substitute teachers currently available in your county. If you wish to avail of this service, which is free to IPPN members, simply log in to www.textasub.ie and register your information.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell  

IPPN Sponsors

