E-scéal 219 - ICT Funding Grant

A number of schools have already received payment of their 2009 ICT Infrastructure Grant into the school's bank account.

So what is this funding for?
This funding is being provided to schools on the basis, that as a priority:

1. Each classroom must be equipped with a teaching computer (PC or laptop) with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and a fixed digital projector and that
2. Only when this baseline is in place should the funding be used to purchase equipment from the following list:
• Classroom computers                     
• Laser printer
• Speakers                            
• Mobile multi media station
• Visualisers (also known as document cameras)        
• Server
• Digital cameras                        
• Scanner
• Digital video cameras                    
• Networking equipment    
• Mobile laptop trolley.

How is the grant calculated?
The total of your grant is or will be based on a minimum amount of €1,700 (which is considered sufficient to purchase the recommended baseline of one fixed digital projector and teaching computer) and a capitation element. Any expenditure incurred in excess of the grant amount must be met by the school.

When should a Purchasing Framework be used?
Where a school is purchasing equipment for which a Purchasing Framework exists (as they currently do for PCs, laptops, colour and mono printers) then these Frameworks must be used.

See www.ncte.ie/ICTAdviceSupport/Purchasing for details of how to purchase using Procurement Frameworks and full details on the existing and planned Purchasing Frameworks.

Has a school any freedom to buy outside the purchasing frameworks?
It is our understanding that, in addition to seeking quotations from suppliers in the Framework, schools may also seek quotations from other suppliers on the same equal basis and compare ALL quotations before deciding to purchase.  In seeking quotations, weighting may be given to other factors including:

• Price
• Suitability for intended use
• Special requirements
• References attesting to the quality of products and services
• Delivery conditions
• Excess over minimum specification.

Also, where there is no Purchasing Framework in place (IWBs, projectors etc) or where the current Purchasing Frameworks do not reflect a school's purchasing policy (relating to purchasing used or refurbished equipment, Apple or other Operating System etc) schools must show 'good procurement practice'.

Examples of 'good procurement practice':

• Supplies or services less than €5,000 in value can be purchased on the basis of verbal quotes from one or more competitive suppliers
• Supplies or services contracts between €5,000 and to €50,000 in value must be awarded on the basis of responses to specifications sent by fax or email to at least three suppliers or service providers.

What do I do once I have purchased the equipment?
As soon as the equipment is purchased, schools are advised to return a completed certification form (supplied to you and signed by the Chairperson) by post to the ICT Policy Unit, Marlborough Street. In this form, you must certify to the Department that you have used the money to purchase relevant ICT equipment, indicating type, numbers and costs; that you have used the Framework Agreements where available, and if not available, that you have engaged in competitive procurement processes to obtain value for money.

If you are considering purchasing used and refurbished IT equipment (PCs & laptops) then we would ask you to consider our official computer partners Bluekop in the tendering process - for more information, visit http://www.bluekop.ie/.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

IPPN Sponsors

