E-scéal 221 - To open or not to open?

To open or not to open?  That is the question facing many Principals today, in order that parents will know whether to prepare children for school or arrange child care for tomorrow and Friday. Based on the calls received by the IPPN Support Office, a significant number of schools, it seems that a majority will not re-open tomorrow, Thursday 7th January due to severe weather conditions. 

Who has the authority to close a school?
It is the responsibility of the Board of Management of each individual school to make this decision.  In practice, the Principal and the Chairperson of the Board of Management will assess all relevant factors and jointly make the decision to open or remain closed

What factors should be considered?

• Can the school be safely accessed by the parents, children and staff?
• What is the advice of the local gárdaí in relation to road safety?
• The children live close to the school, but the majority of staff is likely to be travelling much longer distances.  Even if the children can come to school safely, will there be enough teachers to manage the children and ensure their safety?
• Will school transport be in operation - Bus Éireann, private operators and transport for children with special needs
• Is there a school caretaker to address dangerous ice patches on footpaths, steps, car park and playground
• Will the heating system operate effectively?
• Is water available for sanitation and consumption?

It is always easy to be wise in hind-sight, but not so in advance.  Where there is reasonable risk to the safety of children and staff to whom the Board of Management has a duty of care, common sense should apply in deciding whether the school should be open or closed. 

Implications of school closure
Where days are lost during a school year due to exceptional circumstances e.g. bad weather, heat/water systems failures, the Board of Management should make ‘all reasonable efforts’ to make up these school days during the remainder of the same school year.

If you need to communicate the decision with the parents in your school or with your staff, you may avail of TextaParent.ie  Provided you have the relevant mobile telephone numbers, you can do so from any PC with internet access.  To activate your account - Tel: 1890 21 22 23

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell





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