E-Scéal 98: Sample Adverts & Newly Appointed Principals

Sample Advertisements
In response to requests, a number of sample advertisements for re-vacancies for teachers and SNAs have been posted in the Resources Section of our website. These sample adverts are designed to cover the obligatory information with a view to minimising costs. All additional information can then be posted on educationposts.ie which is free of charge.

New Website
Our new website is now live and I would like to encourage you to give us your feedback on what you think of the new design, functionality and user-friendliness. Your comments will be sent directly from the website in a 'feedback form'.

Newly Appointed Principals
IPPN, in collaboration with Leadership Development for Schools (LDS) arrange mentors for newly appointed principals each year. If you are a newly appointed principal in 2005 or if your school is soon to appoint a
new principcal please contact the IPPN Support office with the NAP's details. This will allow us to put in place the relevant supports in time for the new school year.

Principals' Workload and In-School Management
On July 11th, four members of the IPPN Executive will attend a meeting of the DES Working Group "Principals' Workload and In-School Management". IPPN is striving to streamline ISM structures including a more efficient review pricess and greater role flexibility.

Membership Renewal
Membership renewal forms will be sent to your school for the beginning of the school year. Some members have requested forms to be sent prior to re-opening. If you require same, please contact the Support Office.

Summer Holidays
This is the last E-Scéal you will receive during our summer holidays. We have also requested that the DES will not issue circulars during the summer holidays in recognition of a principal's entitlement to official leave. The Support Office will be closed from July 8th until August 22nd. A limited service for professional enquiries of an urgent nature will be available throughout the summer. Such enquiries should be submitted by e-mail to info@ippn.ie.

I trust that you will enjoy a decent summer break.

Is mise le mór-mheas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

