E-Scéal 99: Publishing WSE Reports - Looking for your Opinion

Minister Hanafin has announced that she plans to publish Whole School Evaluation (WSE) reports in line with the DES's policy to provide information about schools to parents. In August, Minister Hanafin contacted IPPN inviting representatives of our Executive to attend a consultation session with the Chief Inspector, Mr Eamon Stack, on September 13th. The purpose of this consultation is to seek the professional views and perspectives of Principal Teachers on the publishing of WSE reports. We are pleased that the Minister has chosen to listen to Principal Teachers.

In preparation for this submission we will be again consulting broadly with school leaders throughout the country. Arising from media coverage of this issue in August, 25 principals have already sent their views and analysis on this issue to our Support Office. We have broken down the main points raised in their communications in the form of:

  • The main arguments being used against publishing WSE reports
  • The key arguments for publishing WSE reports
A number of key issues to reflect upon

In order to collate the views of IPPN members nationally, we have prepared a short survey which begins with an outline of the main arguments and issues followed by a single question. The completion of this survey will take approximately two minutes.
Please click here to continue: www.educationopinion.ie

Thank you for taking the time to assist with this important consultative process.


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