E-Scéal 102: New SNA Contracts

Arising from changes in the 'SNA Contract', IPPN has examined the key issues and questions that have been asked by members in the last few days. The following seven points are intended to provide you with Professional Guidance to assist with implementing the new SNA Contracts.

Who should be offered contracts?

Contracts must be offered to all SNAs in the school. For existing SNAs on a child specific contract, the option of transferring to the revised contract is a once-off option that must be exercised on or before the 30th September 2005. Those SNAs who do not transfer to the new contract before 30th September will remain on a child specific contract and their future employment will be dependent on the assessed needs of the child specified in the contract. For those SNAs not wishing to sign the new contract it would be good practice for the Board of Management to have this in writing from the SNA to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Those signing the new contract will have their approved service from the date they commenced duty in the school as an SNA in the school reckoned for seniority purposes.

Length of Service of SNAs

The seniority of all SNAs is determined by the date of commencement of service in the school and not by the amount of hours worked. All full-time and part-time SNAs must be treated equally when seniority is being determined.

Determining Seniority

The Board of Management determines the SNA's seniority ranking based on the date of commencement of service in the school. If two SNAs started on the same date, interview scores could be used to determine seniority. If the Board of Management cannot access these marks or has not previously assigned a seniority ranking, consideration could be given to reaching a decision by comparing qualifications. Ideally the SNAs involved should be agreeable to the process. The BOM must be careful not to make a decision on any discriminatory grounds (gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origins, or membership of the travelling community). If service is broken, e.g. if an SNA worked previously in the school, resigned the position and was subsequently re-employed, it is the date of their most recent appointment that should be calculated for seniority purposes.

Probationary Period.

SNAs already probated in the school do not start a new probation if they sign the new contract. For newly appointed SNAs the probationary period is six months, but this may be extended for another period not exceeding twelve months.

Who retains Contracts?

The Board of Management retains the contract and the SNA retain a copy. They are not sent to the DES.

SNAs extra days

All SNAs may be asked to work the extra days on a pro-rata basis, ie
Full time full day - 12 extra full days
Part time - 12 extra part time days, or it's equivalent


The selection criteria for redundancy will be on a Last In First Out (LIFO) basis. The DES will make redundancy payments to any SNA who is deemed to have a redundancy entitlement. If an SNA has been made redundant in a school then they should contact the SNA payroll section of the DES.

Closing Date

It is important that all contracts are dated the 30th September 2005(or before). In circumstances where it is not possible to complete consultations and make decisions until later in October, contracts must be dated retrospectively to 30th September 2005.

Is sinne le meas

Virginia O'Mahony, IPPN President, Renmore, Galway
Pat Goff, SEN Liasion, IPPN Executive, Scoil Mhuire, Coolcotts, Wexford  

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