E-Scéal 104: IPPN National Committee AGM and Upcoming Special Offer on School Telephone Charges

National Committee AGM
This Sat Oct 22nd the IPPN National Committee will hold it's AGM at The Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin. Two reps have been elected from each of the 26 County Networks to form IPPN's National Committee for 2005/2006.

This committee is the consultative platform for IPPN Policy development. The AGM's business will include the election of officers to form IPPN's executive, consultation with each County Network on relevant issues and policy priorities as well as an input from Dr. Paul Ryan, teacher education section from the DES.

Congratulations to the new National committee and best wishes for their endeavors in the year ahead.

30% savings on your land line calls
IPPN has teamed up with Cable & Wireless and negotiated a special deal to help drive down your schools communications costs and allowing you and your staff to invest these savings back into the development of your school.
Coming soon
Sign up details will be issued to you in the near future
Switch today and see it pay!

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

