E-Scéal 109: Imperative to Establish Best Practice Procedures

The recent report of events that took place in the Diocese of Ferns present a timely reminder for all school Principals of the need to be certain that we are meeting our responsibilities in relation to child protection in our schools. This can be outlined as follows.

Normally policy is the starting point for addressing most issues in schools, thankfully there is no requirement on individual schools to develop its own policy re child protection - this is laid down unambiguously by the Departments Health and Education. The Department of Health issued 'Children First' followed by the Department of Education's 'Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures'. The latter form a comprehensive policy for every school.

Good Practice
The Stay Safe programme should be taught systematically to every child from Senior Infants to Sixth Class in the context of the Social, Personal and Health Education subject. This programme is designed to be taught to each child four times within their Primary School years and must include the key theme of 'Inappropriate touch'. Every school should have consideration given to best practice re toileting, dressing rooms/changing for games, small group/individualised teaching for children with special needs. In addition clear guidance must be understood for Special Needs Assistants or anybody else who may be required to look after or accompany an individual child.

Two key elements of procedure that must be clearly understood are 'What to do if there is an allegation made against a member of staff' and 'How to report knowledge of, or a disclosure of an incident of child abuse'. Both of these procedures are outlined clearly in the DES Guidelines on Child Protection. Every school must have an appointed Designated Liaison Person (DLP).

The Child Abuse Prevention Programme (CAPP) producers of Stay Safe, offer a comprehensive free training programme for Principals, teachers, Boards of Management and parents. Patricia Shannon is the National Coordinator of the Stay Safe Programme and is contactable at: (01) 6206347 or staysafe@indigo.ie

Is mise le meas
Seán Cottrell  

IPPN Sponsors

