E-Scéal 110: Benchmarking - Building a Solid Case for Principals

The outcome of the benchmarking process in 2002 was a bitter disappointment for Primary Principals.

As you are aware IPPN is a professional association and consequently doesn't have a function in negotiating salaries and conditions of employment. However, our research shows that the absence of meaningful reward is one of the key reasons why fewer teachers are seeking promotion to Principalship. Given this evidence, it is imperative that IPPN constructively influences the case to be made by our Trade Union on behalf of 3,300 principals in the forthcoming benchmarking process.

In discussion with the General Secretary and President of the INTO, IPPN has offered to submit Principals' views re benchmarking to the Union. This offer has been graciously accepted and a submission will be forwarded before the end of November.

Your views are essential for this submission. In order to ensure that its contents accurately reflect the views of 3,300 principals, we want you to take five minutes of your valuable time to complete the 'fiche ceist' survey through the link below. If you have additional ideas to offer the INTO on how principalship could be better rewarded and made an attractive career option, please use the additional text boxes provided for your suggestions.

Benchmarking Survey

Is muidne le mór-mheas

Seán Cottrell, Tomás O Slatara


IPPN Sponsors

