E-Scéal 120: Primary SMS - IPPN Response to Members' Concerns

In the last few days, the IPPN Support Office has received a number of concerned queries about a service called Primary SMS which enables schools to send text messages to parents. The service provided by Primary SMS costs 30c per message to parents to receive texts - five times more expensive than textaparent.ie - plus a 'membership fee' of €1 per month per family! There is also considerable additional administration for schools required by this company.

As you are aware, www.textaparent.ie is a service that IPPN has researched and designed for primary schools in Ireland and is currently being used by approx. 750 schools. Each text sent through textaparent.ie costs just 6c and there are no charges for parents to receive texts, nor are there any administration fees. IPPN is critically aware of the importance in providing high quality and cost-effective services to you, our members. Textaparent.ie, like textasub.ie and educationposts.ie, is technically superior and less expensive than any other SMS service available in Ireland. So much so that a growing number of state agencies, commercial companies and non-educational organisations are availing of textaparent.ie to send bulk text messages to their staff and clients.

If you are interested in sending text messages to groups of people, e.g. parents of a particular class, parents of all pupils, members of the Board of Management or indeed your staff, take a look at textaparent.ie or telephone the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.

As with everything else IPPN does, the quality of services provided is constantly under review and we depend on your feedback and ideas to help us continuously improve. Feedback on textaparent.ie and any other IPPN services can be sent to support@ippn.ie

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

