E-Scéal 122: Buíochas ag Deireadh na Scoil Bhliana

Newly Appointed Principals

Congratulations to all those who have been appointed Principal for September 2007. If you have been appointed Principal recently or if your school is about to make an appointment, please contact the IPPN Support Office with the new Principal's contact details. This will help us offer three key supports and services before the beginning of the new school year.

  • Sound Advice & Borrowed Wisdom - a resource pack for Newly Appointed Principals
  • Mentoring - confidential support and advice from an experienced Principal
2007principals@ippn.ie - an group e-mail for discussion, questions and answers

Retiring Principals

We wish all those Principals embarking on this new stage in their lives a happy and fruitful retirement from the 'front line'. We are aware that some retired Principals like to remain in contact (from a safe distance) and within 'the loop'. If you wish to continue to receive IPPN's Newsletter 'Leadership+' and other publications, please contact the Support Office by phone or e-mail with your school roll number, home address, mobile phone number & e-mail address.

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal forms will be sent to your school at the beginning of the new school year.

Summer Holidays

The IPPN Support Office will be closed from July 13th until August 17th. However, if you are in need of urgent advice ie something that cannot wait until the end of August, please send it by email to support@ippn.ie. Members of the IPPN Executive have kindly volunteered to respond to urgent enquiries during the holiday period.

This is the last E-scéal you will receive before schools reopen. We have asked the DES again not issue circulars during the official summer holidays in recognition of a Principal's entitlement to official leave.


Finally, it must be said that the year gone by has been extremely challenging for school leaders as the demands based on your time and energy continues to grow. We would like to thank all those of you who have given so much time and expertise for the benefit of fellow school leaders through service on the National and Executive Committees. Our deepest appreciation also goes to the tremendously dedicated staff who work at the IPPN Support Office who continuously serve above and beyond the call of duty. Lastly, we wish to thank you as a member of IPPN for your support and belief in the vision and mission of IPPN.

We trust that you will take a well deserved break during the summer holidays to fully relax, renew and rejuvenate.

Is sinne le buí­ochas,

Tomás Ó Slatara & Seán Cottrell  

IPPN Sponsors

