E-Scéal 123: Filling a Teaching Vacancy (Permanent & Part-time)

It is evident from calls to the IPPN Support Office that many Principals and Boards of Management are now in the process of making permanent and temporary appointments.

The procedures governing all teaching appointments in a primary school can be found in Appendix D, Pages 45 to 49 of the Board of Management Members' Handbook 2004.

All appointments of teachers in the school shall be made by the Board of Management in accordance with the Rules for National Schools and subject to the prior approval of the Patron.

For your convenience you will find below a summary of the essential steps which are required to be taken in appointing a teacher. It is essential that all procedures are followed with great care.

Le meas,

Virginia O'Mahony
Assistant Director


Note: These steps apply to both permanent and temporary vacancies

1.Notify the Board of Management of the vacancy and the reason for it.
2.Check the following:

  • That the Diocesan Redeployment Panel is clear
  • With the Department if your enrolment is falling
  • If vacancy occurs after 1st June, vacancy is filled on a temporary basis until September 1st.
3.Advertise in a National Paper - closing date must not be less than two weeks from the last date the advertisement appears in the paper. Sample advertisements available in BoM Handbook page 45.
4.Notify the other members of staff if vacancy is for the Principalship by placing the advertisement on the Staffroom notice board. A vacancy for Principalship cannot normally be advertised in the months of July or August except in special circumstances and with prior approval of the Patron.
5.Teachers on approved leave should be notified by post.
6.Request the Patron to appoint a Selection Board.
7.Record full list of applicants.
8.If the vacancy is for a Principalship, ensure that applicants fulfil criteria set down by the Department of Education and Science for appointment. (See Circular 02/02 - also on DES website).
9.Submit list to the Selection Board.
10.Shortlist for interview according to criteria established by the Selection Board. (See www.ippn.ie Resources/ Management Resources for Sample Criteria and Marking Scheme which can be adapted).
11.Notify the candidates of date and time of their interview, giving at least one clear week's notice. Ask for confirmation of attendance.
12.Assemble documentation - CV, References, etc.
13.With the Chairperson, arrange a suitable comfortable venue, with an appropriate person to act as receptionist for the interviews.
14.After the interview the chairperson retains:
  • Record the Applicants
  • Record of Interview Criteria
  • Record of Selection board's recommendation including marking scheme and marks allocated to each candidate.
15.Submit Selection Board's Recommendation to the BoM in writing.
16.Submit the Board of Management's decision in writing to the Patron for sanction.
17.Notify the successful candidate and confirm acceptance in writing. Chairperson and teacher fill relevant DES Appointment Form (available from www.education.ie for either permanent or temporary appointments).
18.Notify all unsuccessful applicants in writing and return documentation.
19.File and secure all relevant documents securely.
20.Send completed Appointment Form to DES [Primary Payments], Athlone. Contract forms will be sent out, with a letter of appointment, by the DES.
21.Sign Contracts with Chairperson and Newly Appointed Teacher as soon as possible, and retain copies of all contracts.
Appointments Procedures

For your convenience you will find below a number of resources useful in filling of a vacancy in your school and the related documents - Contracts, marking matrix, interview strategies etc.

Professional Guidance E-scéal 2007 - Appointments Procedures
CPSMA Board of Management Handbook 2004
Circular 02/02
Sample ads for teaching vacancies
Interview Strategies
Sample Criteria and Marking Scheme  

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