E-Scéal 127: Reclaiming the Summer - We Need your Views

Principals are dismayed and disillusioned with the increasing erosion of their summer holidays. Now that schools have reopened, Principals find that they have not had an adequate break from the responsibilities of school-related work and have returned feeling unrefreshed and tired. The holiday months of July and August have been seriously eroded due to responsibility reverting to Principals for the following important issues:

  • Staff Recruitment
  • Temporary Accommodation
  • SEN
  • Summer Works Schemes
  • Furniture o Repairs, Maintenance & Cleaning
  • School Building
  • Enrolment / Section 29
  • Ever-increasing Administration

This is an obvious worsening of Principals' working conditions. This is not a new phenomenon and indeed has grown incrementally over many years. This would not be tolerated in any other profession. This unacceptable situation must become an immediate priority for our union. It is not the first time IPPN has raised this issue with our union but to no avail. Progress can be made on several other issues concerning working conditions. Why not this issue? Does the standardised school year only apply to certain members of staff?

It is patently obvious that most of the above-mentioned areas are rightly the responsibility of the Patron and the Board of Management. The various Patron Bodies have significant rights and influence as owners and managers of schools. Such rights carry consequent responsibilities and it cannot be assumed that the Principal will automatically 'step into the breach' and carry out tasks that rightfully belong to others.

The VECs and Third level institutions have access to the services of Project Managers and Buildings Officers for all building construction and maintenance. Why not primary schools? The rhetoric 'Principals as leaders of learning' rings hollow as long as the DES and Patrons rely on us to do the work of architects, building officers, surveyors, and engineers on a no fee basis.

We still have the old chestnut of staff recruitment, a process which amazingly takes place in July and August just as everyone else is on holidays! Does this happen in any other profession? The integrity of the selection process is severely compromised due to the lack of availability of external assessors, referees and BoM members during the holiday period.

The concept of In-School Management delivering Distributed Leadership is still but a pipe dream in the absence of a willingness to 'grasp the nettle' of ISM reform. Meanwhile our teaching colleagues are becoming increasingly reluctant to take on the role of Principal Teacher as they see the impact of burgeoning holiday-time responsibilities on the Principal and their families.

Have we played a part in bringing this upon ourselves through our over-compliance? Do we carry sole responsibility for the work of the BoM? Are we entitled to a summer holiday? Maybe the solution lies partly in our own hands. In order to progress this issue, please give us your views in our short on-line survey. Click here for 3 minute Survey

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming | Virginia O' Mahony | Seán Cottrell

President | Assistant Director | Director


IPPN Sponsors

