E-Scéal 131: Reclaiming the Summer - Survey Results

Thank you for completing our recent on-line survey - Reclaiming the Summer. The response rate has been phenomenal and there are still approximately 100 surveys being completed on a daily basis. To date 1,800 completed surveys have been processed and analysed. In order to see these results, please click on the link below or visit the home page of www.ippn.ie. The data emerging from this survey provides considerable evidence of wide spread erosion of Principals' holiday time.

When all surveys have been collated a full report will be published on our website and a copy sent to the INTO. The clarity and uniformity of Principals' opinion as evidenced in this survey will leave nobody in doubt about the seriousness of this issue.

Meanwhile, we look forward to meeting you at your County Network Meeting later this month.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming | Seán Cottrell
President | Director

Download Reclaim the Summer - Survey Results


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