E-Scéal 133: Establishing New Boards of Management 2007

Hopefully the process of establishing your school's new Board of Management is well under way. Before the midterm break the Principal Advice service coordinated by IPPN Support Office was extremely busy with requests for information and guidelines on various matters relating to the new BoMs.

The DES, in consultation with the Education Partners, has produced an updated version of the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure for Boards of Management. In addition, a further Information Manual has been produced offering practical guidance in relation to the creation and function of the new Boards.

Unfortunately these two important and essential documents will not reach schools for sometime yet. Both documents are available on the Department of Education website and, for your convenience, IPPN has arranged with the DES to make them easily accessible through our own website.

While acknowledging the Principal does not carry responsibility for the establishment of a school's BoM, in real terms many Chairpersons depend on you, the Principal, for information and advice.  It is important to note that there are several minor but significant changes to procedures for establishing new BoMs and we strongly recommend that you are familiar with and have access to these two key documents.

Is muidne le meas,

Larry Fleming, Seán Cottrell

Click here to download Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure and Information Manual for new Boards of Management  

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