E-Scéal 134: Conference 2008 - Conference Brochure Inputs

Dear member,

We are currently preparing the Conference 2008 brochure which will be given to all Principals attending the event in Killarney. This year we are planning to include examples of children's creative writing in the brochure and we are looking for your help.

The suggestion is that you invite children in the middle to senior classes of your school to write a short, humorous piece based on one of the following titles:

  • Our Principal
  • What our Principal does
  • What all the Principals do when they go to their Conference
  • I want to be a Principal because...

    Please note that this is not a competition and we are giving maximum freedom for the subject matter. We hope that the children's writing will offer a very different and humorous insight into the role of Principal. We will leave it entirely up to yourself and your teachers to decide which pieces are to be submitted from your school.

    We look forward to receiving a few samples of your children's writing (with child's names, class and school name on each piece) no later than Friday 7th December 2007 to 'IPPN Support Office', Glounthaune, Co. Cork or by email to project@ippn.ie.

Naturally if we have a significant number of contributions, only a few can be selected by the Conference Committee for this publication. Others may be used in future editions of Leadership+.

Le meas,

Virginia O'Mahony Assistant Director  

IPPN Sponsors

