E-Scéal 136: IPPN Conference 2008

Conference preparations are well underway. In response to feedback from last year's attendees there will be a number of changes to this year's conference format. Please note the following:

1.IPPN has secured two days (Thursday & Friday) sub cover for Teaching Principals. No sub cover is available to Administrative Principals.

2. Conference 2008 dates are Thursday - January 31st, Friday - February 1st and Saturday - February 2nd.

3. Draft Timetable:

Thursday January 31st

9am Conference Registration
10am Exhibition Viewing
1pm Conference Opens
6pm President's Reception

Friday, February 1st

9am Conference Recommences
8pm Gala Dinner

Saturday, February 2nd

9.30 Conference Recommences
12.30 Conference Ends

4. Accommodation
Accommodation is available through the Gleneagle Central Reservations office on 064 71550 at the following Rates:

Brehon Hotel  Booked Out
Gleneagle Hotel

Double Occupancy - €50 per Room per night
Single Occupancy - €119 per Room per night
Riverside Apartments (sleeps 1 - 4) €220.00 per night (breakfast at Gleneagle Hotel

5. Conference Application Forms were issued to all schools in late November. The form can also be downloaded by clicking here.

To date over 600 Principals applications have been received at the IPPN Support Office. Note that, due to capacity constraints, workshop places are limited. Those applying after the 7th December are not guaranteed workshop attendance.


IPPN Sponsors

