E-Scéal 137: Professional Advice re Water Charges

In response to queries and requests for clarification from Principals, IPPN is issuing the following advice in relation to water charges:


IPPN research shows that capitation grants do not adequately cover the basic running costs of schools, leaving up to a 50% shortfall
Metered water charges have been recently introduced to many schools
The amount charged for water is disproportionate to the cost of other utilities and to the DES capitation grant
The level of these charges does not appear to be consistent between schools of similar size between and within local authorities:

IPPN recommends that Principals advise their Board of Management to:

  • Write to their local authority and formally defer payment of water charges, pending clarification from the DES and Department of the Environment
  • Make clear that your school's deferral of payment must not result in additional interest or charges being imposed
  • Write to the Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, TD and the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, TD stating that your school cannot pay for water charges from existing funding. Request that the issue of water charges is resolved at a national level between both Departments. Cite the example of Broadband provision to schools on a 'no cost' basis. This initiative resulted from inter-Departmental arrangements between the DES and the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.
  • Suggest that the BoM and Parents' Association also write to local political representatives seeking their support for an urgent increase in the Capitation Grant to primary schools on an equal basis to second-level schools.

Related Points

In acknowledging the goodwill of parents who financially support their schools through voluntary contributions and other fundraising activities, IPPN believes that such fundraising should only be for non-essential "extras" which enhance the teaching and learning experience for children.

Parents should not be expected to make up for the shortfall in capitation grants.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming, Seán Cottrell & Virginia O'Mahony


IPPN Sponsors

