E-Scéal 161: Order your FREE Principal's Desk Diary for 2008/09

If you want to receive your free Principals' Information Management System (PIMS) desk diary for 2008/2009, the last date for orders is Monday 12th May. Due to higher production costs, late orders will require a payment of €30. PIMS will be sent to you before the end of June.

To order your free copy of PIMS:

Click 'reply' to this email or send an email to support@ippn.ie stating

  • your name
  • your school roll number
  • which of the following options you want - (A) or (B):

(A) PIMS ring-binder and 2008/2009 insert pages
(B) PIMS 2008/2009 insert pages only(If you already have the PIMS ring-binder)

You may also telephone the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 to place your order. However, we would really appreciate if you would use the email option as it places less pressure on our support office staff.

Note: PIMS contains a calendar, weekly appointments diary, key reminder dates, templates for planning & administrative tasks, supplier lists, key contact details, grants schedule and many other features.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Larry Fleming


IPPN Sponsors

