E-Scéal 163: Free Advertising on educationpost.ie - New DES Circular 62/2008

After 6 years of lobbying by IPPN, the DES and the Management Bodies have finally agreed to allow website advertising for all teaching posts with effect from today 14th May, 2008. This will save your school hundreds of euro per vacancy.

How will this work? From today onwards, you can place your advert on educationposts.ie entirely FREE of charge. However, for the remainder of 2008 calendar year, the circular requires schools to place a shortened 'one line advert' in a national newspaper. In the interest of cost savings this should be kept to the minimum words as per the example below.

Eg. Permanent teacher required from 1-09-08 St. Mary's NS, Bray RN12345X. See www.educationposts.ie.

It is sufficient to place this 'one line' advert in a national paper for one day only. This will cease to be a requirement from 01-01-2009.

Please refer to 2 linked documents:

  1. DES Circular 62/2008
  2. Two Posters for Educationposts.ie for Principals/BoMs & non-permanent teachers

Please circulate the Teachers' Poster by e-mail, photocopy and place on staffroom notice board.

At the time of issue there are 155 vacancies advertised on www.educationposts.ie and 4,612 teachers registered awaiting adverts in their chosen counties.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell & Larry Fleming

IPPN Sponsors

