E-Scéal 166: Religion - Who should teach it, when and where?

We invite you to give your opinion on the place of Religion in the Primary School of the future. This is necessary because your professional body - IPPN has been asked by the DES to contribute to a conference on June 27th at which this topic will be explored.
Almost everyone agrees that regardless of the past, the governance of schools and the means by which religion and faith formation takes place, requires examination and consultation in the context of a rapidly changing Ireland.
In order to reflect the views of Principals and Deputy Principals accurately, we are asking you for 8 or 9 minutes of your time to complete the online survey - see link below.
Our membership driven culture depends heavily on you and your colleagues telling us what you need, want, believe, feel and think. There is no requirement to answer all questions, but please attempt as many as you can. The greater the quality and quantity of responses, the easier it is for IPPN to articulate your reviews.
Your responses are untraceable and confidential. If there are any errors or omissions in the survey, please contact us at the details below.
Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell
Click here for link to survey

IPPN Sponsors

