E-Scéal 167: Part-time SEN hours, educationposts.ie & Online Summer Courses

Combining Part-time SEN hours

Principals wishing to combine part-time SEN posts with part-time posts in other schools may place relevant information on the SEN Clustering Notice Board on educationposts.ie. To place an ad, click on the Employer section within the Primary Level and click on Add to SEN Clustering Notice Board or click on this link.


We are delighted to report the outstanding success of educationposts.ie as the online teaching vacancy website. Feedback from Principals and job seekers has been extremely positive and some of the educationposts.ie statistics are quite amazing - in the last month:

  • 750 teaching jobs advertised
  • 5,725 teachers in search of jobs registered
  • 231,000 automatic email vacancy alerts sent to job seekers

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions on how the site can be improved, please email project@ippn.ie.

Online Summer Courses

By now you will have received Issue 45 of Leadership+. Full details of IPPN's online Summer courses (eligible for EPV days) can be found on page 2, on the application form or on the front page of www.ippn.ie. Due to the ratio of facilitators to participants, places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Larry Fleming

IPPN Sponsors

