E-scéal 169: Important information re. Scheme for Commissioning Psychological Assessments

Print Send to a Friend Bookmark The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) are currently at an advanced stage in their review of the Scheme for Commissioning Psychological Assessments (SCPA). NEPS has assured IPPN that this review will help to provide a better, more streamlined service to all schools availing of the scheme. It will also contain the proviso that no school will be liable for psychologist's fees over and above those paid by SCPA for the service once the schools quota of assessments is not exceeded.

As part of the review, an updated list of approved Educational Psychologists for the SCPA scheme is being drawn up by NEPS. The new list will, in all likelihood, contain the names of the majority of psychologists from the old list, as well as some new names. Some psychologists previously on the list may no longer be part of the scheme. NEPS are concerned to point out that fees for assessments under SCPA will only be paid to psychologists whose names appear on the revised list. They are aware that some schools may have already made arrangements with psychologists for assessments to be carried out in 08/09.

Given this change to the SCPA it is now advisable that if your school has already commissioned assessments for the coming school year, that you e-mail NEPS Regional Director, Breda Cotter (breda_cotter@neps.gov.ie) with the following information:

  • Schools name and address
  • Name of psychologists commissioned

Appointments made with psychologists from the 'old' list for assessments to be carried out up to and including Friday October 24th will be covered under SCPA.

The full text of the proposed new guidelines for SCPA will be available on IPPN's as soon as they are available to us.

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