E-Scéal 170: IPPN Bursary / Conference Workshop Proposals Invited/Key Dates

IPPN Bursary 2008

This year's Bursary competition has a new dimension whereby we are inviting proposals to focus on one of two predefined topics. These are:

  1. The design and development of a practical administrative software application which would be of benefit to all schools.
  2. The compilation of a comprehensive set of school policies which will meet the needs of all schools.

The two bursaries, which will be awarded following independent adjudication, are sponsored by Allianz and the Department of Education & Science. In addition to the €5,000 bursary, each awardee is given 15 days substitute cover to complete the project. Depending on the nature of the successful proposals, an overseas study visit may be required.

Click here to download an application form and for Terms & Conditions. Completed forms must be received by email to info@ippn.ie not later than Friday 3rd October.

IPPN Conference - Workshop Proposals Invited

Every year, feedback received from attendees at our annual Principals' Conference suggests that there is great value placed on workshops presented by serving Principals on current issues with a focus on good practice and useful resources.

With a view to expanding the range of workshops for Conference 2009, we invite Principals to put forward a workshop proposal based on some aspect of good practice in your school or within your own research. This may refer to a curriculum subject, an aspect of school organisation / policy or a dimension of your leadership role.

You may not feel enthusiastic about putting yourself forward to deliver a workshop; note that that this does not necessarily require 'expert' knowledge but is more a practical sharing of something worthwhile within your experience that other Principals would benefit from. Workshops are normally 1 to 1½ hours duration, with 25% presentation, 25% small group discussion and 50% feedback and general discussion.

Alternatively, if you have attended a workshop delivered by a Principal that particularly inspired you, please provide details.

If you are interested in facilitating a workshop or would like to recommend another Principal, please contact Geraldine at the Support Office at project@ippn.ie by Friday, 3rd October.

Key Dates for Your Diary

Annual Principals' Conference 2009
This year's Conference will be held at the INEC, Killarney from Thursday 29th to Saturday 31st January.

Your School & The Law Seminars
David Ruddy, BL and Principal of Talbot Senior School, Clondalkin, in conjunction with IPPN, will facilitate a new series of one-day legal seminars. These will take place in Cork, Galway,Sligo/Carrick-on-Shannon & Dublin. The seminars will address:

  • Code of Behaviour
  • Enrolment Policy, Procedures & Appeals
  • Health, Safety & Welfare
  • Child Protection
  • Employment, Recruitment & Contracts.

Cork, Moran's Silversprings Hotel, Sat, 15th November
Galway, Carlton Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Sat, 29th November
Sligo/Carrick-on-Shannon, venue to be confirmed, Sat 21st March 2009
Dublin, Green Isle Hotel, Sat 28th March 2009
These seminars will be of interest to all those involved in education, including Teachers, Principals, Board of Management members and Parents. For further information / registration, please contact IPPN on 1890 21 22 23, see http://www.ippn.ie/ or email support@ippn.ie.

Is sinne le meas,
Seán Cottrell, Larry Fleming

IPPN Sponsors

