E-scéal 189 - Pre-Conference Survey 2009 - make your views count
- Published: 14 January 2009
Every year, IPPN's Executive conducts a Members' Survey in the weeks preceding our Annual Conference. The survey covers 7 topics and can be completed in less than 10 minutes. Your views on these topics are important for a number of reasons:
It gives every Principal and Deputy Principal an opportunity to voice their opinion on a range of issues that are relevant to the role of school leader
The collective opinions provide a clear guide to the Executive in determining IPPN Policy
When IPPN representatives are contacted by the media on current issues, they are able to respond in a manner which accurately reflects the views of Principals and Deputy Principals.
On that basis, we trust that you see the importance in completing the survey linked below by Friday 23rd January at 5pm as it is a key opportunity to influence IPPN Policy.
Please note, as with all IPPN surveys the views of individual respondents are confidential.
Is sinne le meas
Larry Fleming, Seán Cottrell
Click here to access 2009 Survey