E-scéal 187 - Newspaper Advertising no Longer Required

One bit of good news this New Year is that schools will no longer be required to advertise vacancies in the national newspapers. After a long campaign, the DES and Management Bodies agreed last year to move towards on-line advertising. DES Circular 62/2008 introduced web based advertising of teaching posts in primary schools, with an initial requirement to place a short advertisement in a national newspaper until 31.12.08. Consequently, from January 2009 onwards, schools can advertise all vacant posts for principals, teachers & SNAs - permanent, temporary or substitute, completely free of charge on http://www.educationposts.ie/

As well as it being a more efficient process, on-line advertising reaches a far greater no. of potential candidates including jobseekers oversees or on holiday. The impact of Circular 62/2008 brings a most welcome saving to Boards of Management, especially in current challenging financial times. It will also be a relief to unemployed teachers who will no longer need to monitor three national daily newspapers in their search for jobs.

Is sinne le meas,

Larry Fleming, Virginia O'Mahony & Seán Cottrell

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