E-scéal 192 - Principals - Pension Levy on Public Servants

It is clear from the mood of 900 Principals at Conference, from calls to the Support Office and through networking@ippn.ie, that there is great anger among Principals at the manner in which Government has decided to address the financial crisis facing our country.

It is also clear that Principals, reflecting both the feelings of their staffs and their own personal feelings, are shocked at both the extent and the inequity of the government's plan to recoup money from public service workers. These measures are particularly harsh on Principals who are not only paying the 1% levy and are subject to the freeze on increases under the National Wage Agreement, but have also been denied the payment of the benchmarking award. Principals are rightly asking, "if my benchmarking and National Wage Agreement increases have been suspended, have my extra duties and responsibilities, associated with these awards, also been suspended?"

As a professional body, IPPN does not represent or negotiate terms and conditions of employment for Principals and Deputy Principals. This is a matter for our trade union. We fully understand and appreciate why so many of you have chosen to express your feelings so prolifically through IPPN communication systems. As in previous similar situations, IPPN's Executive will collate all views expressed and communicate them to the INTO on your behalf. However, if you want your voice to be heard, it is absolutely imperative, that as a member of the INTO, you communicate your own view points directly to your CEC Representative and to the General Secretary.

IPPN will also be seeking a meeting with the INTO to highlight the additional burden borne by Principals arising from the non payment of the benchmarking award and to get clarification on the status of additional responsibilities that were linked to the National Wage Agreement. We will support whatever action our union takes to protect the employment conditions of Principals and Deputy Principals, provided it does not affect children and parents. We must always remember that they too are victims. It is vitally important that we do nothing which may alienate parents or public opinion, especially at this time.

There is no doubt that we are facing a severe economic crisis which will cause a lot of pain to many people. The greed and irresponsible behavior of those who brought this crisis upon us will not be forgotten. It is for this reason that we must at all times maintain the dignity of our role; we must show leadership as individuals in our school communities, and collectively through our professional body. From time-to-time we may hold differing views on professional issues, however it has never been more important that we support and affirm each other in these challenging times.

Your willingness and ability to be part of the solution to our country's crisis is not in doubt. What is in doubt is the willingness of Government to listen to your views.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming, Virginia O'Mahony, Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

