E-scéal 195 - Staffing Schedule - September 2009

Staffing Schedule - September 2009 & Panel Arrangements
DES Circular 0002/2009 containing the detailed staffing schedule for next September is now available on line - see link below. In addition there is also a copy of a letter which your school will receive about the operating arrangements for the redeployment panel. Given that many schools will have queries regarding their own specific circumstances, IPPN has asked the DES to provide a facility to respond to Principals' questions. If you have a question about the implications of this circular for your school, please email your query to the the following address; primaryallocations@education.gov.ie

TextaParent.ie - Principal Closes School from Comfort of Own Home!
IPPN's texting service has proven extremely useful this past week to hundreds of schools affected by extreme weather conditions. Principals' have been able to communicate with parents informing them of decisions taken regarding school closure, cancellation of school activities and safety advice about traffic conditions around the school etc. The service is quick and simple to use. As it is a web based system, it can be used from any computer. Last week one particular Principal was informed late at night by the Chairperson that the school was totally inaccessible due to snow. The Principal, using Textaparent.ie, was able to send a message to all the parents and staff from the comfort of her own home.

If you would like to be able to use TextaParent.ie please click the link below and follow the registration instructions. There are no registration or maintenance costs. For queries please contact the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming,  Seán Cottrell

Click here to view DES Circular 0002/2009
Click here to view TextaParent.ie

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