E-scéal 197 - Submission on School Transport

The Department of Education and Science is carrying out a Value for Money review of the School Transport Scheme and has invited IPPN to make a submission in relation to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Scheme. In particular, the DES is seeking the views of Principals on some or all of the following areas:

1.The efficiency of the present Scheme
2.Alternative systems that could be put in place for a better service
3.Eligibility Criteria in relation to Catchment Areas (largely unchanged since 1967)
a.Distance from nearest school
b.Closed/Amalgamated schools
c.Diversity of Choice.
4.Structure and efficiency of the Service currently available to children with Special Needs
5.Structure and efficiency of the Escort Service in its present format
6.Children who should be the Target Group in any new revamped service e.g. Primary School Pupils, Pupils with Special Needs, Pupils in remote areas etc.
7.Efficiency of the present Scheme in terms of:

  • Resources
  • Time
  • Use of Public Transport
  • Minimum no of pupils required for continued provision.

We are aware from queries to the Support Office that Principals hold some very strong views on the Transport Scheme in its present format and we would welcome feedback from Principals as soon as possible.

Please submit your recommendations on some or all of the above to president@ippn.ie by Friday March 20th so that IPPN is in a position to accurately reflect your professional viewpoints to the DES on this important issue.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell


IPPN Sponsors

