E-scéal 203 - 15th May 2009

On-line Courses
IPPN's On-line Summer Courses 2009 are steadily filling up. The Department of Education and Science approved series of comprehensive summer courses include; Bullying Prevention & Counteraction, Dealing with Challenging Behaviour, Ciall Ceannaithe for Newly Appointed Principals and Managing Special Needs Assistants' Promoting Best Practice.  If you have not yet registered for your course choice, please click here to register now and to avoid disappointment.

Heating Oil Survey
IPPN will shortly commence negotiating lower prices of heating oil for schools. With this in mind, we are conducting a national survey to establish key facts relating to usage, costs and suppliers. The information collected will enable IPPN to use the collective bargaining power of our network to bring this value to all schools in hard-pressed times. The survey can be completed in less than 10 minutes. We would ask that you access your school's fuel bills since the 1st of September 2008 before commencing the survey.

By completing this survey you will put IPPN in a strong bargaining position to make a positive difference to the annual costs facing your school. On that basis, we trust that you see the importance in completing the survey linked below by Friday 22nd May at 5pm. Please note, as with all IPPN surveys, the views of individual respondents are confidential.

Click here to access the Heating Fuel Survey

Your School & the Law
Mr David Ruddy, Barrister and Past Principal of Talbot Senior School, Dublin, in conjunction with IPPN, facilitated a series of one-day legal seminars entitled 'Your School & the Law'. The seminars addressed the following topics:

  • Code of Behaviour
  • Enrolment - Policy, Procedures & Appeals
  • Health, Safety & Welfare - Risk Assessments & Safety Statements
  • Employment - Recruitment & Contracts.

Click here for presentation notes on each of the topics covered

A large volume of resources & templates  have been acquired by IPPN on the topic of recruitment. These resources are useful in the filling of a vacancy in your school and include the related documents - contracts, marking matrix, interview strategies etc. To view this comprehensive directory of resources, please select form the below recruitment categories;

Deputy Principals' Conference 2009
Over 300 delegates attended IPPN's Deputy Principals' Conference 2009 which took place from Monday evening, May 11th to Tuesday, May 12th at the Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. This was the largest gathering of Deputy Principals' to date. The theme of this years Conference 2009 was "Special Education - Implementing Best Practice."  Click here to Read More

Is sinne le meas
Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

