E-scéal 207 - Weekly Round-up 29th May 2009

Information for Parents of Junior Infants
Click on the links below to view some key resources that can be tailored to your school and made available to parents of newly-enrolled Junior Infants

School Reports
The end of the school year is fast approaching and it is time for student school reports to be issued. Some of the following templates may be useful to you:

Irish Business Systems (IBS) - Special offers to IPPN members
IPPN's Gold Partner Irish Business Systems is currently offering fantastic discounts to IPPN members.
Click here for further information

TextaParent.ie - Perfect for School Tour information!
IPPN's low-cost texting service will be an invaluable tool for communicating with parents and staff re. school tours. You can very quickly and easily send reminders about drop-off and collection times for school tours or notify parents of changes to planned arrival times. As it is a web-based system, you can access it from any laptop, PDA or internet-enabled mobile phone.

To find out more about TextaParent.ie or to register, go to http://www.textaparent.ie/ and follow the instructions. For queries please contact the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.

School Policies - Hire and Use of School Premises
At this time of year, your Board of Management may be considering hiring the school building over the Summer to generate some income for the school. There is a sample policy on this topic on
www.ippn.ie under Principal Advice - School Policies, called Hire and Use of School Premises by Outside Groups.

Log in to the website and then click on this link to access the policy and tailor it to your school's needs.

Newly Appointed Principals
If you are aware of a new Principal being appointed to a school this year, please inform the IPPN support office on 1890 21 22 23. This will allow IPPN to provide a number of valuable resources to them in their first year of Principalship.

On-line Courses
IPPN's On-line Summer Courses 2009 are steadily filling up. The comprehensive, DES-approved series of summer courses includes

  • Bullying Prevention & Counteraction
  • Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
  • Ciall Ceannaithe for Newly Appointed Principals and
  • Managing Special Needs Assistants - Promoting Best Practice.

If you have not yet registered for your choice of course, please click here to register to avoid disappointment.

Is sinne le meas
Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

