E-scéal 215 - A Survey of the Health and Wellbeing of Principals in 2009

There is growing concern about the health and wellbeing of Principals, not only in Ireland, but internationally also.  While there is much anecdotal evidence indicating that Principals' health is being negatively affected due to the challenging nature of their role, reliable data is now required if the issue is to be seriously addressed.

IPPN has decided to take the opportunity of participating in an international survey to assess the extent and effects of work-related factors on the health and wellbeing of Principals. The survey has been designed by the International Confederation of Principals and the data collected will be used as a basis for advocacy with governments and employers and as a lever to improve working conditions for Principals.

Survey of the Health and Wellbeing of Principals in 2009 - Aims:

  • to identify the impact of the school leadership role on the Principal's psychological and physical health
  • to ascertain the main stressors impacting on the day-to-day reality of school leaders
  • to gather accurate data on Principal health and wellbeing in Ireland
  • to identify factors which motivate Principals to continue leading their schools.

We would really appreciate if you can give the 15 minutes required to complete the survey. IPPN will be able to access the Irish data from the survey and use it in our on-going advocacy to address our health and safety concerns for Principals.

This was never more important than in a time of economic recession, when so much responsibility and pressure for maintaining standards falls on Principals. Just as you are concerned for the welfare of children and teachers in your school, it is only fair that your own health and wellbeing is also protected. If you would like to help us to be a strong advocate for Principals, the most important thing you can do is to complete this survey as soon as possible.

Please note that any information you give to the survey is captured anonymously and saved for statistical analysis only.

We thank you for your co-operation given the many demands on your time and energy.


Le meas agus mór- bhuíochas,


Seán Cottrell          Pat Goff                         Virginia O'Mahony
Director IPPN        President IPPN             Assistant Director IPPN
                                                                         Executive Member ICP


Click here to access the Principal Welfare Survey


IPPN Sponsors

