E-scéal 224 - Haiti Children & Schools - IPPN Fundraiser

Last Friday night, Principals attending IPPN’s conference gala dinner were invited to make a donation to help re-establish primary schools in Haiti.  Over €9,500 was collected on the night.  Since then, we have received calls from Principals whose schools are planning fundraising events and who wish to channel the funds through IPPN.  All funds raised will be shared between two specific projects:  

• Dr Louise Ivers has worked with children in Haiti for the last seven years with an organisation called ‘Partners in Health’.  Louise is a past pupil of St Fiachra’s NS, Beaumont, Dublin.  The Principal, Kieran Creaner, has informed us that the school is already supporting her work in Haiti and they would be delighted with whatever support other schools can add to their efforts.
• Trócaire is directly involved providing sanitation and clean drinking water in the immediate humanitarian crisis.  Later on, Trócaire will provide financial assistance towards the re-establishment of primary schools.  Attending school has been identified as a crucial therapy for traumatised children.  School re-establishes their daily routine and provides a safe place they can escape to for a few hours every day.  Another IPPN member, Ann McQuillan, Principal, St Josephs BNS, Kilcock, Co Kildare, has a direct link with this project as her husband, Maurice McQuillan is Emergency Manager with Trócaire and is currently in Haiti.

If your school would like to participate in IPPN’s efforts to raise funds for children’s education in Haiti, we would be glad of your support.  If you are forwarding the proceeds of your fundraising to IPPN, please make the cheque payable to ‘IPPN Haiti Education Fund’ and send to IPPN Haiti Education Fund, IPPN, Glounthaune, Co Cork by Friday 26th  February 2010.

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell  

IPPN Sponsors

