E-scéal 232 - Calling on Your Experience…How to save 2 cent

At present we are involved in a number of research projects. One of the great strengths of IPPN research is that it is fully informed by practicing Principals and Deputy Principals 'on the ground'. Unfortunately, two of our current projects require surveys over the next two weeks. We are fully aware that we are entering the busiest time of the school year. Let it be clear that there is no expectation of you to complete any or both questionnaires. If you choose to contribute your experience and expertise through the surveys, it will be greatly appreciated.

a. IPPN research on School Governance: Three years ago an extensive survey was conducted on school governance and the role of Principal. Three years on, we are revisiting a selection of the questions with a view to establishing any trends that are emerging due to the ever changing environment of schools.

b. Leadership Practice – bending or breaking the rules: Dr Ciarán Sugrue formally of St Patrick's College, Drumcondra is conducting specific research relating to Principal teachers and their tendency for risk-taking. The survey presents various scenarios familiar to school leaders, where the rules need to be bent or indeed broken to enable them to carry out their role efficiently and effectively.

Leadership Practice Survey

Textaparent.ie – new lower price
Textaparent.ie has been reduced from 6 cent to 4 cent per text unit. There are now more than 1,000 schools using Textaparent.ie we are able to supply text units at a lower price. This is a great example of the combined purchasing power of schools for a specific service. Where this happens, IPPN is able to negotiate the best possible value for money.

For further details please visit http://www.textaparent.ie/

Once upon a time...Parents supporting their child's literacy
The National Parents Council (Primary) is placing a specific focus on parents supporting their child's literacy at their annual conference on 12th June. You may wish to communicate details of this event with parents in your school through the Parent's Association or your school newsletter.

Click here for further information

 Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff


IPPN Sponsors

