E-scéal 233 - Dealing with Underperformance - Section 24

Teacher Underperformance
Circular 60/2009 outlines the process to be used for dealing with underperformance issues in schools.  A number of Principals currently involved in ‘Section 24's’ have contacted the support office with a view to networking with other Principals that are in a similar situation.  Given how new this process is, there is virtually no precedence to refer to.  Understandably, those involved are eager to share experiences.  If you are currently in the process of, or have completed a ‘Section 24’, please contact the IPPN Support Office if you are willing to share with your colleagues on a one-to-one basis. 

Standard Application Form for Teaching Posts
At last, a new standard application form is in place for all teachers applying for teaching posts.  Agreement has been reached between the education partners on the content and the design of a standard application form.  What does this mean?  From now on, any teacher applying for any long-term substitution, temporary or permanent vacancy will no longer submit a CV or letter or application.  This new departure has several advantages for interview selection boards such as – the short listing process will be more efficient as application forms will be easier to compare and contrast, all the factual information required is contained in the form which will give more time for in-depth interviews and the overall volume of paperwork will be considerably reduced.  Candidates seeking teaching posts will have a clear guide as to what information is required and by default, what not to include.  Please bring this standard application form to the attention of your staff and in particular to those on temporary or substitute contracts.  The application form can be downloaded from EducationPosts.ie

Click here to download the Standard Application Form for Teaching Posts    

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

