E-scéal 234 - Email - more effective than telephone

Principals are reporting difficulty in gaining access to the DES by telephone, due to allocated time periods in telephone answering. It may be opportune to consider email as generally a more efficient means of contacting the DES. It is certainly more time efficient and email has the added benefit of giving you a record both of your query, the date and of the content of the response. This is outlined in the Chinese proverb which says 'The palest ink lasts longer than the most retentive memory'.

We have researched email addresses for a number of essential DES sections. We have been assured that these email addresses are active and will be responded to.
Primary Teachers Payroll


Staff Allocations


Non-Teaching Staff Queries (Including SNAs)


Learning Support/Resource Teaching Queries


Grant Queries


If you have any other email addresses that you find useful and efficient, please email info@ippn.ie. They will then be shared with everyone in the network. If there is a specific official with whom you have established a working relationship, it may be useful to know that the email addresses of most DES officials follow the same pattern, i.e. first name, underscore, second name, @education.gov.ie For example joe_bloggs @ education.gov.ie

Online Summer Course for Principals
Ciall Ceannaithe, IPPN's online summer course will run for the month of July. The course is designed to provide a greater understanding of the innovative solutions to challenges facing Principals. A highly practical step-by-step course built on the collective wisdom and experience of seasoned Principals. The course is designed for those considering the role of Principal, newly appointed Principals and Principals currently in the role.

Click here for further information

Irish Business Systems (IBS) – Are you paying too much for photocopying and printing?
IBS in conjunction with IPPN is very pleased to offer during the month of June a free consultancy service to all schools, to look at their overall copying and printing costs and to provide analysis of the cost of printing on ink-jet, laser printers and existing photocopiers and faxes. Savings of up to 50% can be achieved in converting from existing systems to a managed print service.

For more information call IBS today on Free Phone 1800 23 00 00 or visit www.ibs.ie

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell

IPPN Sponsors

