E-scéal 236 - Are we there yet?

Principals Retiring
We wish Principals embarking on this new stage in their lives a happy and fruitful retirement from the ‘front-line’.  As school leaders, you have made an enormous contribution to primary education and to your school communities.  Now it is time to plan a new course in your life, and all in IPPN wish you success, happiness and good health in whatever you choose to do.

Associate Membership for Retired Principals
Every year a number of retired Principals like to remain in contact and within ‘the loop’. Retired Principals can become Associate Members of IPPN at a greatly reduced rate of €50 per year.  This will enable you to keep in touch more easily with former colleagues and to continue to receive Leadership+ and other publications.  The application form for Associate Membership (Retired Principals) will be available shortly on

NAPs – Summer Course, Resources and Mentoring
Congratulations to all those who have been appointed to the role of Principal in 2010.  If you have been appointed recently, or if your school is making an appointment, please contact Jackie (
support3@ippn.ie) in the IPPN Support Office with contact details for the new Principal.  This will enable us to provide key supports and services before the beginning of the new school year, including an online course, a resource pack, a mentor (experienced Principal to provide advice and guidance) as well as a dedicated group e-mail for NAPs, moderated by experienced Principals, 2010principals@ippn.ie.

IPPN Online CPD - EPV Approved Summer Course - Ciall Ceannaithe
Ciall Ceannaithe – This year's online summer course is designed to meet the needs of every Principal's working day and will provide a greater understanding of the role as well as innovative solutions to the many challenges facing Principals.  Ciall Ceannaithe is for Newly Appointed Principals and is also suitable for aspiring and experienced Principals.

The course will be facilitated and run for the month of July 2010 at a cost of €95.

EPV days are allowable on completion of the course, subject to DES Terms & Conditions.

Click here for further information and to download an application form

Is sinne le meas

Pat Goff, Seán Cottrell and Virginia O’Mahony



IPPN Sponsors

