E-scéal 241 - New Circular – Recruitment of Teachers (0067/2010)

Yesterday you received a text message, alerting you to a new circular which has serious consequences for the appointment of permanent teachers.  We have outlined below some of the key questions that are most likely to be asked by Principals making a permanent appointment in their school.  We trust that this will help you if you are currently making appointments.

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Pat Goff & Seán Cottrell


1. What if I have already advertised a permanent teaching vacancy?
DES Circular 0067/2010 states that no permanent teaching vacancy can be filled from 1st December 2010.  Many schools are at one of the following stages in appointing a permanent teacher:
• Advertising
• Short-listing
• Interviewing
• Sanctioning

Given the regulations that govern the timing of this process, unless the Chairperson of your BoM is in a position to offer the post to the chosen candidate prior to the 1st December, it will now fall within the parameters of the new circular. In other words, if you can complete the process i.e. short–list, interview and offer the post prior to the 1st December, then this post will be permanent.  However, relevant supporting documentation may be required to confirm that correct procedures were followed, such as date of advertisement, closing date, date of interviews, date of offering post. 

2. Does the circular apply to all permanent vacancies?
No.  There is an exception; where the vacancy being filled is the role of Principal or Deputy Principal.  In the event of either Principal or Deputy Principal retiring or resigning, the post may be advertised and filled as a permanent post.

3. If a teacher is employed in a temporary capacity, pending a permanent appointment (which is now suppressed by this circular), can his/her contract be extended?
If the BoM on the advice of the Principal is satisfied with the temporary teacher in situ, then the contract can be extended to finish at the end of the school year.  However, as in the case of all temporary teachers, the BoM reserves the right to advertise and interview to ensure the best quality teachers are employed in the school.

4. What do we do with applications received to date for a permanent vacancy?
Regardless of what stage you are at in the process of appointing a teacher, if you cannot complete the appointment i.e. to have offered the post to an individual before the 1st December, then it will be down-graded to a temporary post.  The Chairperson of the BoM should advise each candidate before or during interviews that due to Circular 0067/2010 that the status of the post has been down-graded from ‘permanent’ to ‘temporary’.  Should this circular cause it to happen that interviews are no longer required (i.e. where a temporary teacher’s contract is being extended) a standard email can be sent to applicants explaining the reason for the change of status to the vacancy.

5. Will this affect temporary teacher’s rights to permanency through accumulated service?
No, if a teacher gains three years temporary service, he/she will get panel rights as before.

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