E-scéal 245 - Nollag Shona Ó IPPN

Ar son Líonra Phríomhoidí Bunscoile Éireann, gabhaimid Beannachtaí na Féile ort um Nollag.

As a particularly challenging term comes to an end, we would like to acknowledge the positive leadership you have given within your school community.  Such leadership is very valuable, and Principals have earned the respect of many for their professional generosity and their positivity.
We wish to thank many members for their messages of appreciation of the work that is done voluntarily by Principals on the Local, National and Executive Committees, and by the IPPN Support Office on everyone’s behalf.

Meanwhile, we hope that you will take a complete break from work for the next two weeks and immerse yourself in all that is positive with family and friends.

This year, instead of sending Christmas cards, IPPN has made donations to Barnardos, Trocaire & Bóthar on your behalf.  May 2011 bring you good health, happiness and success in all that you do.
Nollaig Shona agus Ath-bhliain faoi mhaise dhuit.
Pat, Virginia, Seán & everybody at the Support Office


IPPN Sponsors

