E-scéal 246 - Welcome Back, Swine Flu Resources, Leadership+

Welcome Back
2010 will be remembered forever for the freeze up which brought the country to a halt.  Hopefully, 2011 will be kinder to us.  This is our first e-scéal of the New Year and we hope you find it useful. 

Deich mBliana ag Fás
Every school has been sent one copy of ‘Deich mBliana ag Fás’.  This publication captures the origins of IPPN, the history of its early years, some personal perspectives from Principals and ‘critical friends’ as well as several photo galleries.  If you do not receive a copy or if you require a second copy, please email support3@ippn.ie.

Leadership+ - Issue 60 sent to schools
Principals and Deputy Principals will receive a copy of Leadership+ Issue 60 in school this week.  If you do not receive your copy, please contact the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 or email

Swine Flu
Swine Flu is once again widespread in Ireland as schools re-open. Children are susceptible to this virus, and schools can be sites of further spread.

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Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

IPPN Sponsors

