E-scéal 249 - First Videos from Principals' Conference?

Principals’ Conference 2011
The reaction to Conference 2011 has been amazing.  In particular, the inputs by Andy Hargreaves and Pasi Sahlberg from Finland have been described as ‘brilliant’, ‘inspiring’, ‘passionate’, yet 'simple'.  If you haven’t seen them in action, set aside an hour and sit back and enjoy words of wisdom from two leading education experts.

Download Prof Andy Hargreaves Video

Download Dr Pasi Sahlberg Video

Teaching Principals – Making The Job More Manageable
A seminar on ‘Time Management for Teaching Principals’ was delivered at the IPPN Conference by Michéal Rea, a Teaching Principal at Walterstown NS, Cobh.  Michéal provided examples of effective strategies to make the job of Teaching Principal more manageable.

Download Presentation

TextaSub & Teaching Council
As you know, substitute teachers are now required to be members of the Teaching Council.  If you use TextaSub (available through Educationposts.ie) to source subs for your school, all teachers are obliged to provide a Teaching Council Registration Number as part of the process of registering with this service.

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Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
In January, 150 schools were randomly selected to take part in the survey.  If you have received a request and not yet responded, please do so.  Studies like these provide important information, but they can’t be done without the help of Principals. 



Is sinne le meas

Seán Cotrell & Pat Goff


IPPN Sponsors

