E-scéal 253 - Education Issues for Party Political Canvassers

The general election is dominating the airwaves at present, and the issues are many and varied. For school leaders, it is a great concern that education has had a very low profile in this campaign to date. Perhaps it is time that we put current serious education issues on the agenda for debate and discussion. IPPN has collated a list of 10 serious and urgent issues affecting school communities and especially our children’s future life chances. It would be worth raising these challenges with all party political canvassers at your doorstep or whenever you get the opportunity in the days ahead.

Please feel free to distribute these points to teachers, board of management members and parents should you wish to do so.

Click here for list of issues
 Is sinne le meas
 Seán Cottrell & Pat Goff

IPPN Sponsors

